Automotive, racing, F1, aeronautics and aerospace: Find out about our wide experience.
Photo Courtesy: ION – Space x
Our know-how for many applications
We can manufacture tools and parts for different application fields, thanks to our long-standing and wide experience in the use of composites and metals. We offer customized solutions satisfying all technical requests for any special project.

Due to the modern application of composite materials in the automotive field, we are specialized leaders in the successful realization of one-off parts, special projects and limited series production for Italian and international customers.
We carefully listen to the needs and requests of our customers: our goal is excellence.
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F1 Racing
We are specialized in the manufacturing of composites and metals tools and structural parts for racing cars, a field that requires extremely high technology, precision and strict delivery times.
Our experience, our confidentiality and data protection, our manufacturing speed and production quality can guarantee our long-lasting involvement and successful activity in the field.
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Racing boat building
We support the engineering team in the study analysis and in the manufacturing of structural parts.
We produce composite and metal appendages for racing boats and special projects.
Our passion, precision, team cooperation and attention to details are our supporting skills in international projects in Italy and worldwide.
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We are able to manage and manufacture the whole tooling chain, from structural and bonding tools to flying parts on the aircraft.
We are involved in civil, military and UAV projects – we support the customer from the document issue for the project setting through process definition and any external certifications up to in time product delivery.
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We manufacture tools and parts flying in space, such as satellite structures. We certify part traceability and can submit to external certifications, if required.
Confidentiality, cooperation and technical support guarantee our long-lasting activity in the field.
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Special projects
Thanks to our multi-sectorial experience and our complete production chain we offer the perfect know-how to successfully fulfill special and unique projects. Our expert technical team, our natural curiosity and our will to always face new challenges are the right skills to offer quality competence and partner support to our customers
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